Saturday, November 14, 2009

where o where is my sunshine?

i should have known when to shut my mouth up! bursting all your opinions and ideas to your so opposite other half is a sure recipe for couple fight...

this is not a jolly good saturday...
and the weather seems to agree with me....
where are you my lovely sunshine...
why r you hiding...please wipe my tears dry...

my laundry also needs drying up u know....washing clothes with no sunshine is not left a lingering bad smell that i dont like....

(picture is taken from here)

i hate the person that i'm becoming..where is my old self where i can just speak out loud of my dissatisfaction...i'm not saying that i'm always right..but at least give a thought of what i'm saying.....

nota dikaki : if only things are as simple as they may seem :(



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